Parasyte centers on a teenage boy named Shinichi Izumi (Shin in the Mixx English version.) He lives with his mother and father in a rather quiet neighborhood when, one night, an alien invasion occurs. The aliens are called Parasites. They are worm-like creatures that enter human "hosts" through their ears or noses, and take over their brains. A Parasite attempts to crawl into Shinichi's ear and take over his brain while he sleeps, but is stopped by his headphones and accidentally burrows into one of his hands instead. In the Japanese version, it takes over his right hand and it is named Migi (ミギー, Migii?). In the Mixx English version, it takes over his left hand (because the images in the book are flipped to allow for left-to-right reading) and is named "Lefty."
Because the Parasite infected his hand instead of his brain, Shinichi and Migi each retain their own, separate intellect. This gives them an edge in battling the other Parasites, who see Shinichi's ability to think independently as a threat. Shinichi also feels compelled to fight other Parasites, who kill and eat humans for reasons unknown.
Alternate Titles: Parasyte, Kiseijū
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi
Filetype: Jpg/PNG compressed in rar folder
Filesize: ~20-40mb
Date: 1990-1995
Total Number of Volumes: 10
Scanlation Status: Almost Complete
Uploaded by MysteriouX
Vol 01: Download
Vol 02: Download
Vol 03: Download
Vol 04: Download
Vol 05: Download
Vol 06: Download
Vol 07: Download
Vol 08: Download
Vol 09: Download
Vol 10: Download
Vol 11: Download
Parasyte centers on a teenage boy named Shinichi Izumi (Shin in the Mixx English version.) He lives with his mother and father in a rather quiet neighborhood when, one night, an alien invasion occurs. The aliens are called Parasites. They are worm-like creatures that enter human "hosts" through their ears or noses, and take over their brains. A Parasite attempts to crawl into Shinichi's ear and take over his brain while he sleeps, but is stopped by his headphones and accidentally burrows into one of his hands instead. In the Japanese version, it takes over his right hand and it is named Migi (ミギー, Migii?). In the Mixx English version, it takes over his left hand (because the images in the book are flipped to allow for left-to-right reading) and is named "Lefty."
Because the Parasite infected his hand instead of his brain, Shinichi and Migi each retain their own, separate intellect. This gives them an edge in battling the other Parasites, who see Shinichi's ability to think independently as a threat. Shinichi also feels compelled to fight other Parasites, who kill and eat humans for reasons unknown.
Alternate Titles: Parasyte, Kiseijū
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi
Filetype: Jpg/PNG compressed in rar folder
Filesize: ~20-40mb
Date: 1990-1995
Total Number of Volumes: 10
Scanlation Status: Almost Complete
Uploaded by MysteriouX
Vol 01: Download
Vol 02: Download
Vol 03: Download
Vol 04: Download
Vol 05: Download
Vol 06: Download
Vol 07: Download
Vol 08: Download
Vol 09: Download
Vol 10: Download
Vol 11: Download
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